Tuesday, 30 January 2018

The different schools

                Cresskill High school   (USA)
                Sir Henry Floyd Grammar school (UK)
                I.E.S.O Tomás Bretón (Spain)

Saturday, 27 January 2018

How I doing a star endwined

  1. I do a star in a regualar polygon
  2. I catch the vertices a joing to the center of the polygon
  3. In all the vertices I catch one distance with the compass
  4. I do a other star  in the first star
  5. Know you have the star endwined

Vocabulary 2 Art

  •  Types of polygons (I can do):
    • Triangle (3 vertices)
    • Square (4 vertices)
    • Pentagon (5 vertices)
    • Hexagon (6 vertices)
    • Heptagon (7 vertices)
    • Octogon (8 vertices)
    • Dodecagon (12 vertices)
  • The star polygon:
    • The star polygon you get joing in a constant and non-consecutive way ,the vertices from the regular polygons .According to the number of vertices that the no star polygon,we can get any ,one  or some  starts .There are star polygons what called false star.
    • Types of star :
      • Pentagon star :
        • 1 step
      • Hexagon star:
        • 1 step
      • Heptagon star:
        • 1 step 
        • 2 step
      • Octogon star:
        • 1 step
        • 2 step
      • Dodecagon star:
        • 1 step
        • 2 step
        • 3 step
        • 4 step
  • The symmetric :
    • Symmetric:
      • It´s a quality of some shapes with some of they points are of reflection of other.
    • Reflection symmetric :
      • It´s a shapes quality which it is formal by 2 halves facing each other with an axis or fold lines a between as if both were miirror images of each.
    • Symmetry axis:
      • This lines which a shapes into two stmmetry halves .Every element of the shapes is reflecting on the other side.
    • Geometric symmetry :
      • It is a kind of symmetry with follow accuralety the geometric symmetry  rules.
    • Central symmetry:
      • It ´s the reflection of an object throw apoint called the symmetry center.
    • Apparent symmetry :
      • It´s the quality of shapes or object which show an obvius symmetry but not every point or element follows accuralety the geometric symmetry rules.
  • Basic elements of visual presentacion:
    • The dot:
      • It´s the smallest and most simple element in art expression .It is first target is to indicate a position since it doesn´t follow any direction.It may have different qualities such as size, shapes and color. 
    • The dot three dimensional capacity:
      • When the size, shapes and colours are changed the dots can create visual sensaction of special deepness and volume.
    • The dot expensive capacity:
      • The point has a unlimeted capacity to represent images and to express ideas and emotions .To do so, visual effects are used
    • Optical mix:
      • When colours are mixed with the help of distance .Point isn´t mixed on the palette or on the painteng .The optical mix was used first by the pointillist.  
  • Some vocabulary about lines:
    •  Line:
      • It can be defined as a dot in movement . It has position and direction in the space and one of its principal function consits on marking the shapes outline.
    • Zig-zag or broken line:
      • They are formed by severe fragments of straight lines different direction.
    •  Curly line: 
      • They hold more curves than wavy lines and show loops
    • Scribble :
      •  Chaotic meaningless lines than or traced randomly, usually in first strages of chilhood or to fill in some area with a particular texture.
  • Definition about the plane or flat shape:
    • Plane:
      • Also called shapes in visual arts.It could be spot or brushtroke.It is a two-dimensional surface height and width but not depth , it has position and directionon the space.
    • The plane three-dimensional capacity:
      •  One of the main goals of the plane consits on creating volume when several flat shapes got together in different direction.
    • Flat organic shapes:
      • They follow natural principles can take countless appearance.
    • Flat geometric shapes:
      • They follow mathemathical principles. In visual arts there are three main basic geometric shapes:circle, square and a triangle.
  • Colour theory:
    • Science of colour:
      • Color is property of light. Our eyes see only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
      • Colour
        • Light-colour:
          • Waves
          • Infrared 
          • Visible spectrum
          • Ultraviolet
          • Grama rays
        • Pigment-colour
    • Whell cromatic circle
      • Primary colours:
        • Yellow
        • Magenta
        • Cian
      • Secondary colours:
        • Red-orange
        • Green
        • Blue-violet
      • Terciary colours:
        • yellow-Orange
        • Magent-Orange
        • Purple  
        • Cian-Magenta
        • Cian-Green
        • Yellow-Green

Thursday, 25 January 2018

New vocabulary ( U. 3)

  • Scuba diving:
    •  The sport or pastime of swimming underwater using a scuba.
  • Goggles:
    • Close-fitting glasses with the side shields,for protecting the eyes fron glare, dust, water ...
  • Canteen:
    • A restaurant provied by a organization such as a collage, factory or company for its students of staff.
  • Staffrom:
    • A common room for teachers in aschool or collage.
  • Wetsuit:
    • A close rubber garment typically covering the entire body ,worn for warmth in water sports or diving.
  • Public school: 
    • A private fee-paying secondary school, especially one for boarders.