Friday 16 March 2018


         Pointillism consits of the aplication and grouping of small ink dots to form an image. With this technique of pointillism, the drawing is formed from points and not lines. You can play with the size of the point between them to archieve a variety of tones. The French àinter George Seurat ( 1859-1891) is generally considered the father of pointillism. Seurat is know for inovating with this technique in modert art,  with which he gave way neo-impressionist movement.  Seurat founded the Society of Independent Artist in 1884,  along with other artist such as Maximilien Luce (printer, painter and French anarchist).He met another key figure of pointillism, the French neo-impressionist painter , Paul Signac (1863-1935), with whom he developed th etechnique in all its form. Same time later,  he devoted two yearsto his wellknow masterpiece: Un diamanche aprèsmedi á I ´ll de la Grande Jatte and Jeune femme se poundrant (1890) (A young woman putting on wake up ) Georges Seurat strongly attached himself to the ``scincefic approach ´´ of colour theorist ,  as he belive that a painter could use tones to create harmony and emotion. According to Seurat , knowing the laws of perceptionand optics would make it easier to create a new lenguaje of art . For Seurat in a world the joy was obtain if they dominated luminuos tones, warm colours and ascendenting lines. The calm was represtated thanks to balance between shades of light and horizontal strokes. Finally, the sadness was forget with dark tones , cold and somber colours, and descendenting lines. The term ``pointillism´´was coined by art critics with the intention of ridiiculing the works of these artist. Other aspects for the term such as ``neo-impressionism´´or ``divisionism ´´ generally describe this same technique that is based on th eability of the viewer unclear to merge the strokes into a full range of colours. This task that used to be of teh artist become the responsability of the spectator , which resulted in amore inclusive public for th ework. Currently, there are aspects of pointillism. The work of the French illustraitor Xavier Casalta (1993) is made with a black 0,10 millimeters Isograph pencil. Inspired by pointillism and callygraphy , he drew point of differents sizes to torm letters , shadows and gradients ; related to specific style of the brush used apply the paint.


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